expiration date (or expiry date)

expiration date (or expiry date)
дата истечения срока

Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "expiration date (or expiry date)" в других словарях:

  • expiration date — noun count the date on which something can no longer be used or is no longer safe to eat. British expiry date: We need the expiration date on your credit card …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • expiration date — the last date that a product, as food, should be used before it is considered spoiled or ineffective, usually specified on the label or package. * * * expiration date 1. a specific date that signals that something is no longer valid, usable,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • expiration date — Options on futures generally expire on a specific date during the month preceding the futures contract delivery month. For example, an option on a March futures contract expires in February but is referred to as a March option because its… …   Financial and business terms

  • Expiration date — The last day ( in the case of American style) or the only day ( in the case of European style) on which an option may be exercised. For stock options, this date is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of the expiration month; however …   Financial and business terms

  • expiration date — noun (C) AmE the date on which something can no longer be used or is no longer safe to eat see also: expiry date expiry (2), sell­by date …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • expiration date — /ˌekspə reɪʃ(ə)n deɪt/ noun same as expiry date …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • expiry date — UK US noun [countable] [singular expiry date plural expiry dates] the date on which something can no longer be used or is no longer safe to eat We need the expiry date on your credit card. Thesaurus: deadlines and time limit …   Useful english dictionary

  • expiry date — expiration date, date on which something loses its validation or utility (i.e. driver s license, food product, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • date — ▪ I. date date 1 [deɪt] written abbreviation d noun [countable] 1. the words you use to talk about a particular day, month, and year: • The date on the letter was 30 June 2006. ˌaverage ˈdate …   Financial and business terms

  • expiry date — The date after which an option can no longer be either exercised or traded. This date will be specified in the contract specification for the product in question. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary Every option/covered warrant… …   Financial and business terms

  • expiration — An option is a wasting asset; i.e., it has a limited life, usually nine months. At the end of its life, it either becomes worthless (if it is at the money or out of the money), or is automatically exercised for the amount by which it is in the… …   Financial and business terms

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